
🥀 Gothika Books is accepting submissions!  We are currently accepting submissions
for our book box subscription service and our print and digital publishing press.

Book Box Submissions (for press submissions, see below)

Our subsidiary, Dark Romance Crates, is the leading crate service specializing in dark romance book boxes and dark fantasy: DarkRomanceCrates.Com

We love connecting readers with Indie authors who have yet to be discovered alongside new and old traditionally published authors.

Our book boxes reach thousands of monthly customers across the U.S.!
This offers a great promotional tool for authors seeking to widen their readership and raise their potential of making best-seller lists!


We seek all variety of dark fantasy and dark romance books with great covers and good reviews. While we prefer full-length novels, we do stock novellas for our multiple-book-crates.

We do not accept underage romance.

Apply using the submission form below.


We welcome un-agented Indie authored submissions in dark romance, dark fantasy, and horror, contemporary and historical. Unlike many traditional publishers, we only receive 20% royalties.

(scroll down to apply)
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